Breaking the Cycle of Morning Anxiety

Do you often feel a sense of dread in the morning before you even get out of bed? Morning anxiety can make the start of a new day feel overwhelming.

Do you often feel a sense of dread in the morning before you even get out of bed? Morning anxiety can make the start of a new day feel overwhelming. By learning how to break the cycle of morning anxiety, you can reclaim your mornings and set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Here’s a look at the symptoms and causes of morning anxiety, plus six strategies that can help you break the cycle of anxiety.

What Is Morning Anxiety?

Morning anxiety is characterized by experiencing symptoms of anxiety as soon as you wake up. These symptoms typically occur immediately upon waking and tend to decrease as you begin your day. Individuals struggling with anxiety in the morning may notice the following signs and symptoms upon waking:

  • Racing thoughts
  • Muscle tension
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Feelings of fear or dread
  • Feelings of restlessness or irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches or dizziness

Morning anxiety can affect anyone. If you are continuously struggling with symptoms of anxiety, it’s important to reach out to a mental health professional.

What Causes Morning Anxiety?

Many factors may cause anxiety in the morning. One of the main factors is the cortisol awakening response (CAR). Cortisol—also known as the stress hormone—is naturally highest in the morning, typically within the first hour of waking. This spike in cortisol helps most people get up and kick-start their day. However, it can be more pronounced in others, leading to anxiety first thing in the morning.

Other factors that can contribute to anxiety in the morning are:

  • Poor sleep: When you don’t get enough rest, your brain and body don’t have time to reset. 
  • Life stressors: Your anxiety might be triggered if you have a busy or stressful day ahead or unresolved stress from the day before.
  • Existing mental health conditions: People who suffer from anxiety or depression may experience heightened symptoms in the morning.

How to Stop Morning Anxiety

If you regularly experience morning anxiety, your brain begins to anticipate it each day. To stop morning anxiety, try to reframe your mindset and adopt healthy habits, to help make your mornings more enjoyable.

1. Validate Your Anxiety and Practice Compassion

Anxiety can be a self-perpetuating cycle where worrying about your anxiety leads to further feelings of distress. By acknowledging and accepting it, you can begin to break the cycle of anxiety. 

Remember to be gentle with yourself. Positive affirmations can reduce cortisol and help you reframe your thoughts over time. For example, you could start your day by saying, “I am calm, safe, and grateful for this new day.” 

2. Create an Enjoyable Morning Routine

Having a morning routine you look forward to can help ease feelings of morning anxiety. Instead of rushing out the door, give yourself plenty of time to wake up, have breakfast, and calmly get ready for the day.

Experiment with different routines to find one that you enjoy. Some activities you could incorporate into your morning routine to help with anxiety are:

  • Head outside: Have your breakfast outdoors or walk to work to enjoy some fresh air.
  • Transform your commute: Use your commute as relaxation time by listening to a podcast or reading a book. 
  • Cold water therapy: End your morning shower with cold water to increase energy levels and reduce stress.
  • Physical activity: Adopt an exercise routine. Exercising can help reduce levels of stress hormones, including cortisol. 

3. Release Your Thoughts Through Journaling

If you wake up with anxiety, try writing down all your thoughts in a journal. Write whatever is on your mind. Putting your unfiltered thoughts onto paper can help ease your mind as you start your day.

Alternatively, journal at the end of your day to help process your thoughts and experiences. This can help you let go of any negative thoughts that may fuel anxiety the next morning.

4. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a balanced breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar levels, which can help prevent feelings of anxiety. Opt for a nutrient-dense meal with whole grains, protein, and omega-3s. Examples include eggs and avocado on toast or oatmeal with nuts and fruit.

It might be tempting to reach for a morning cup of coffee, but consuming caffeine too early, when your cortisol levels are still high, can intensify your morning anxiety. Instead, try herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee, or a smoothie.

5. Add Mindfulness to Your Morning

Often, anxiety in the morning is related to the past or the future. Mindfulness can help you stay focused on the present and not feel overwhelmed by anxious thoughts.

Activities like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress so you can start your day with a calmer mindset. Regularly practicing mindfulness in the morning can help you gain a greater sense of control over your thoughts and emotions throughout your day.

6. Focus on Getting Quality Sleep

Poor sleep can worsen anxiety because your brain doesn’t have enough time to repair cells and rebuild energy. If you go to sleep anxious, chances are you won’t get a good night’s rest and will wake up still feeling anxious. 

A bedtime routine can create a sense of stability and help you fall asleep easier, ultimately helping you stop morning anxiety This can include turning off your electronics, meditating, or reading. Aim to sleep in a dark and quiet environment, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Get Support for Morning Anxiety

If you need help breaking the cycle of morning anxiety, or if your anxiety is interfering with work, school, or daily life, a mental health professional can provide guidance and support. Through working with one of our licensed counsellors, you can begin your journey towards overcoming anxiety and leading a more balanced life. Connect with a Phare Counsellor today!

Author Bio:

Wendy Chan is a writer and editor who is passionate about health, wellness, and self-care. She has worked in marketing and communications for nearly a decade, creating educational content for brands and companies across Canada. Since 2020, she has been a writer and researcher for Phare Counselling.

Wendy specializes in authoring informative and accessible content on mental health, wellbeing, higher education, and technology. She holds a BFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. You can find her in Vancouver or Toronto, depending on the weather.

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